Small Changes, Big Difference

118% Pledge Goal Reached

Thank You for Pledging!

You helped us surpass our 2023 pledge goal!


2023 Results

  • 1,194 people region-wide pledged to choose sustainable transportation for at least one trip instead of driving alone in September. Using an average round trip distance of 7 miles, the estimated impact of these pledges saves 8,023 pounds of carbon. That’s the equivalent of what 167 mature trees can absorb in one year! 

  • The Minneapolis-St Paul region joined the world in celebrating World Car-Free Day on September 22nd by hosting a party in a park with over 100 community members arriving via sustainable transportation.

  • Community members from Minneapolis, Richfield, and Chaska took home sustainable transportation prizes for pledging.

Car-Free MSP 2024

Stay tuned for Car-Free MSP 2024 updates! We’ll have lots of ways to get involved, get around sustainably, and win fabulous prizes.